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McNamee Gallery

The McNamee Gallery is named for Maurice B. McNamee, S.J., 1909-2007, who pioneered 他在耶稣会大学里研究工作室艺术和艺术史,他是一个人 preserved and restored the Cupples House.

McNamee Gallery Exhibit

麦克纳米画廊,可直接从西松购物中心进入,是教学画廊 博彩网址大全的工作室艺术项目 Department of Fine and Performing Arts. 博彩网址大全开设的课程包括陶瓷、雕塑、平面设计、版画、绘画、 绘画,金属加工,纤维,摄影和电脑艺术.

麦克纳米画廊通过展示学生的艺术作品来支持工作室艺术课程 and faculty, as well as visiting artists. Students are involved in the conception, 展览、宣传和画廊活动的组织和安装.

由于新冠肺炎疫情,麦克纳米画廊目前处于关闭状态,但是 virtual exhibitions are available. 
View the Virtual Exhibit

About Fr. Maurice McNamee

英语、艺术和艺术史名誉教授,麦克纳米神父或“麦克神父” 很多人都这么称呼他,他作为学生或老师在斯坦福大学工作了近75年 years.

“麦克神父会因为拯救了卡普尔斯庄园而被人们铭记,但他为 大学名誉校长劳伦斯说 Biondi, S.J. “就像他关心艺术一样,他更关心他的学生. The impact he had on the world around him cannot be measured. Father Mac embodied the Jesuit tradition - he truly was a man for others."

Saving a Landmark

1964年,大学计划拆除当时用作学生宿舍的卡普尔斯楼 center. But Father McNamee wouldn't hear of it. He championed the history, architecture 它是理查森罗马式建筑的一个罕见的例子 architecture in St. Louis. 在把卡普尔斯之家从废墟中拯救出来之后,神父 McNamee wouldn't settle for mere preservation. He made rehabbing the three-story, 42-room home his personal quest. 在20世纪70年代初的修复过程中,有时 麦克纳米神父是一名画家、一名室内设计师,也是一名经常寻找失传艺术品的人 人们发现他穿着工作服,拿着刮刀和油漆刷,与其他志愿者一起工作.

虽然这座豪宅是1890年由一个百万富翁木器商人建造并出资的 和慈善家塞缪尔·卡普尔斯,许多人称它为“Mac建造的房子”." Father 麦克纳米的努力得到了回报,这座豪宅被列入了国家登记册 of Historic Places in 1976.


Generations of Influence

拯救和修复卡普尔斯之家可能是一项巨大的努力,但并不令人惊讶 一个是献给他毕生致力于支持艺术,并为几代人灌输思想的人 of students with a love of literature and culture.

1909年6月5日出生于威斯康辛州蒙特罗的一个农场., Father McNamee came to Missouri 1927年进入弗洛里森特的耶稣会. He was ordained to the priesthood in 1940. 麦克纳米神父获得了他的学士、硕士和博士学位 Saint Louis University.

Father McNamee joined the English faculty in 1944. During a teaching career that spanned 110个学期以来,麦克纳米神父感动了成千上万的学生,包括 that of Terry Dempsey, S.J.他称麦克纳米神父是最伟大的老师之一 he ever had.

“当我考虑加入牧师行列时,我问他是如何面对挫折的 and disillusionment," Dempsey said. "He said measure of person's character was his 能够处理幻灭,不屈服于它,并保留自己的理想 in spite of it. These weren't just words to him. He lived those words."

1973年,学生们用南希麦克尼尔纪念麦克纳米神父的奉献精神 Ring Award for Distinguished Teaching. In 1981, he earned the University's highest 为国家服务的荣誉,当时被称为百合花勋章.

Forging His Own Path

20世纪30年代,当麦克纳米神父想攻读艺术史的研究生学位时,他 received no encouragement from his superiors. He was told there was no demand for 事实上,在那个时候,没有一门单独的艺术史课程 在美国的任何一所耶稣会高中,学院或大学.

于是,这位年轻的学者转而学习英语,并成为一名杰出的学者 career in that field. 他写了几本著名的书,包括广受欢迎的教科书, "Reading for Understanding.他在博彩网址大全的英语系领导了15年 Honors Program for a decade.

虽然麦克纳米神父在英语领域有很多成就,但他从来没有 放弃了他最初的兴趣:艺术和艺术史. Father McNamee became a recognized scholar of the Renaissance period and Flemish art. To further his expertise in these 在研究领域,他获得了美国哲学学会、美国国家基金会的资助 for the Arts and the Melon Fund. 他还获得了为期一年的富布赖特研究奖学金 在比利时,他撰写了著名的著作《博彩网址大全》 in Early Netherlandish Paintings."

他也没有忘记将艺术和艺术史确立为学术的梦想 offerings at 博彩网址大全. 他成为第一个在耶稣会开设艺术课程的人 institution. 他还帮助创建了博彩网址大全蓬勃发展的艺术史项目. To recognize 在他的影响下,博彩网址大全的美术和表演艺术系每年都会颁发莫里斯奖 B. McNamee, S.J.颁发给在艺术史方面有突出成就的学生的奖.

In 2006, Father McNamee finally earned his Ph.D. in art when the University conferred 在五月的毕业典礼上授予他名誉美术博士学位.

Community Treasure

麦克纳米神父于1977年从全职教学中退休,担任执行董事 of Cupples House. 1995年,他成为荣誉退休董事,但仍然参与 包括一年一度的“点亮卡普尔斯之家圣诞树”活动.

麦克纳米神父的影响并不局限于博彩网址大全校园. He helped oversee the installation of the last mosaics at another of St. Louis' architectural treasures - the Cathedral Basilica of St. Louis. He also served on the board of Sheldon Concert Hall, where several windows are named in his honor. At the time of his death, he was 正在写两本书:一本是关于圣保罗的彩色玻璃窗. Louis and another about Jesuit Baroque churches.

玛丽·布鲁默(Mary Bruemmer)是博彩网址大全的长期工作人员,曾担任女子学院院长和学院院长 麦克纳米神父说,他想让这座城市尽可能地美丽.

“正是他对艺术和艺术史的热爱驱使他与大家分享这种热爱 he came into contact with," Bruemmer said. "Because of his reputation for Cupples 豪斯,社区里的人知道他是一个多么有价值的人啊 of information and tradition for the city."