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Saint Louis University participates in both the 学费交换计划 and the 教师 及职员儿童交流. 该计划允许符合条件的受抚养子女 博彩网址大全 employees to apply for scholarships at more than 600 colleges and universities.


的 faculty and staff children exchange program (FACHEX) is an undergraduate tuition remission program for children of current full-time faculty, administrators and staff. 该方案是建立和管理的 耶稣会大专院校协会.

Through the FACHEX program, employees who have a tuition remission benefit for their children at their home institution can apply to receive the same benefit at participating 耶稣会学院和大学,如果有空间和学生见面 学校对FACHEX申请人的要求.

每个机构决定每年颁发的FACHEX奖项的数量. 因此, they are highly competitive and there are no guarantees to the children of any given faculty or staff member that they will be able to utilize the FACHEX benefit at the 他们选择的制度.


资格要求由所在机构决定. 如果家庭机构 grants a full-tuition remission benefit to the child of a faculty or staff member, then the child is eligible to apply for a possible FACHEX award at the participating 他们选择的耶稣会机构.

It is important to realize that each institution sets their own rules about how students 被选为FACHEX奖项. 许多学校将学业成绩作为决定学生成绩的标准 因素,只考虑即将博彩网址大全的新生作为申请人.

At Saint Louis University, an employee must have completed at least three years of 连续的全时服务,才有资格申请领取综合缴费证 参与机构.


FACHEX申请必须不迟于10月10日收到. 1. FACHEX认证 信件必须在12月6日之前提交到所需的机构. 在你孩子之前 秋季学期博彩网址大全.  提交初步申请后,任何 additional requests to add an institution or institutions must be submitted to our 不迟于十二月. 1 .附加认证. 这并不能保证 迟交的证书将由学校颁发.


FACHEX, should it be granted, only covers tuition (up to 18 credit hours per semester). 额外的费用,如食宿,旅行相关费用或书籍 学生及/或学生家庭全权负责. 提供FACHEX for 10 semesters or until 完成学士学位,以先到者为准.

  1. 在10月. 1、提交 FACHEX应用程序 向FACHEX协调器发送 参与机构 你的孩子打算申请的学校.  申请FACHEX可以 不保证您将获得FACHEX认证.
  2. 的 FACHEX coordinator will confirm your eligibility and will notify each of the participating schools where your student is applying, certifying the student's eligibility to participate 参加了学校的FACHEX项目.
  3. 你的学生向指定院校申请. 我们也推荐您或您的 student contact the FACHEX coordinator at their desired school(s) to inquire about special admissions dates — it’s not uncommon to require early applications, it 你有责任遵守这些博彩网址大全指南吗.
  4. 的 FACHEX coordinator at each institution where your child applied will inform you 他/她是否会获得FACHEX奖励. 大多数学校做出FACHEX决定 3月1日以后.

如果你的学生获得了FACHEX奖项,你必须每年重新认证. 一个FACHEX application with the name of the school your student is attending is sent to 博彩网址大全’s 带有“重新认证”字样的FACHEX协调器.“每年都必须这样做 这个学生正在上大学.


博彩网址大全只向即将博彩网址大全的新生颁发FACHEX. 我们没有 award to transfer students or current students whose parent becomes eligible for the 在他们开始上大学后受益.

  1. 2月之前. 1、合格员工在 参与大学 must notify the FACHEX coordinator at your home institution with your child's legal name, mailing address, Social Security number and the names of the 参与机构 你的孩子打算申请的学校.
  2. 由2月. 1、学校协调人将确认您的资格和意愿 发送一封信给我们的FACHEX协调员,证明您的学生有资格 参加博彩网址大全的FACHEX计划. 
  3. 你的学生申请了博彩网址大全.
  4. 博彩网址大全在3月1日之后做出FACHEX决定. 在做出决定之后 ,我们的FACHEX协调员通知每个符合条件的学生是否他 否则她将获得FACHEX奖励.



学费交换计划 is a reciprocal scholarship program for children and other family members of faculty 以及590多家参与机构的员工人数. 学费交换 公司. 协会为高等教育服务,在学院和大学提供就业机会 更有吸引力.

Each participating institution determines the number of tuition exchange scholarships 它将每年向新生发放助学金. 因此,他们竞争非常激烈, and there are no guarantees to the children of any given faculty or staff member that they will be able to use the tuition exchange scholarship at the institution of their 选择.

For more information on the number of tuition exchange scholarships available at a 具体院校,请联系该院校的学费交换协调员.



资格要求由所在机构决定. 如果家庭机构 grants a full-tuition-remission benefit to the child of a faculty or staff member, then the child is eligible to apply for a possible tuition exchange award at the participating 他们选择的机构.

It is important to realize that each institution sets their own rules about how students 被选为学费交换奖学金. 许多学校用学业成绩作为衡量标准 作为决定因素,我们只考虑即将博彩网址大全的新生作为申请者.

At Saint Louis University, an employee must have completed at least three years of continuous full-time service to be considered eligible to apply 交换学费 at 参与机构. However, three or more years of service does not automatically guarantee certification 交换学费.


Each participating institution sets its own deadline for tuition-exchange certifications. 你必须遵守每个学校的截止日期,因为没有保证 迟来的证明将得到尊重.


奖学金可以支付全额学费,也可以按学费交换所规定的费率支付. 2024 - 2025年, private institutions that charge more than $42,000 for tuition are permitted to award 少于全额学费,但必须奖励至少4.2万美元.

Some colleges allow the scholarship to cover other expenses, such as room and board, 而其他人则没有. 学生自己发生但不在奖学金范围内的费用 — such as room, board, travel related expenses or books — are the sole responsibility 你的学生和/或你. 学费交换为期10个学期或直到 完成学士学位,以先到者为准.

  1. 在10月. 1、提交 交换学费申请 to the benefits specialist in human 资源, along with the names of the participating 您的孩子计划申请博彩网址大全的院校. 申请 与人力资源部门的学费交换并不能保证你将获得认证 交换学费.
  2. 的 benefits specialist will confirm your eligibility and provide that information 给学费交换协调员. 如果你获得认证并接受学费交换, the $40 processing fee will be deducted from your next available paycheck by human 资源. 你必须在学费交换协调员发送之前支付费用 向未来的机构提供信息.
  3. Once the fee is received, the tuition exchange coordinator notifies each of the participating schools where your student is applying, certifying the student's eligibility to participate 参加学校的学费交换项目.
  4. 您的学生将向参与院校申请. 我们也推荐你 or your student contact the tuition exchange coordinator at their desired school(s) to inquire about special admissions dates — it’s not uncommon to require early applications, 遵守这些博彩网址大全指南是你们的责任.
  5. 的 tuition exchange coordinator at each institution where your child applied will 告知学生是否可以获得交换奖学金. 大多数 学校在3月1日之后做出学费交换决定.
  6. 一旦奖学金颁发,你需要通知斯坦福大学的学费交换协调员 以及你的学生将去哪所学校.

如果获得了学费交换奖学金,你必须每年重新认证. 你会 notify the benefits specialist in human 资源 and provide another $40 processing 每年的费用,你想有认证.


博彩网址大全只向即将博彩网址大全的新生提供学费交换. 我们没有 award to transfer students or current students whose parent become eligible 为了他们上大学后的利益.

  1. 2月之前. 1、符合条件的参加院校员工必须通知学费 exchange coordinator at your home institution with your child's legal name, mailing address, Social Security number, the names of the 参与机构 你的孩子打算申请的学校.
  2. 由2月. 1、你所在机构的协调人必须确认你的资格并通知你 博彩网址大全’s tuition exchange coordinator, certifying the student's eligibility to participate 在我们的学费交换项目中.
  3. 这个学生申请了博彩网址大全.
  4. 博彩网址大全在3月1日之后做出学费交换奖学金的决定. 在做出决定之后 been made, our tuition exchange coordinator informs each eligible 学生是否获得学费交换奖学金.